

作者:DAVID DE LÉON;译者:平Studio;调整:baozhu






Compared to how things are today, what will be easier, simpler or more fun using by this design?



What would you like to have with you at the end of this design critique?



What would you like users to remember from their interaction with your design?



If someone else was to take over your design, what would they change?


5、巨头们(Apple,Google ,迪斯尼)会如何解决问题?

How would Apple, Google or Disney solve this?



Does the design reject established design patterns. How and why?



What in the design invites and encourages use? What would motivate your users to invest more time and attention?



Are there things in the design that might bore or tire your users?



What is your most important use case? What is your most common use case?



What is the most important thing in this design? In this screen? Why?





What are you most proud of in your design?



What is most interesting here? Why?



Does the design provide users with a clear and useful conceptual model?



How does this work the first time it is used? After a week? A year?



What in your design helps users learn how to use it?



How would you like your design to be perceived (e.g. perceived as secure, simple, fast, flexible, powerful, polished, fun, wild etc.)?



What expectations do users have? What expectations does the design give rise to?



How well does the design scale?



What stands in the way of the most important use cases?



What makes this design unique?






Are there things that could be solved visually, rather than through interaction, and vice versa?



Are users familiar with the terms and concepts used in the design?



Does the user know what to do? When they have done something, do they understand what happened?



Is the design making assumptions that excludes certain types of users (e.g. assumptions about gender, beliefs, knowledge, culture)?



What happens when things go wrong? What could prevent this from happening?



Which parts of the design are you most uncertain about? Why?


27. 如果当初没有限制,你会怎么做?

If there were no limitations, what would you do?


28. 如果必须从你的设计里去掉一部分,你会去掉什么?如果去掉更多,你又会去掉哪些?继续去掉呢?

If you had to remove something, what would you remove? If you had to remove something more, what would it be? Keep going.


29. 别人是怎么解决这个设计的问题?

How have others solved this design problem?


30. 是否有其他的服务、产品或者别的什么解决了类似的问题?

Is there some service, product, or other phenomenon, that solves a similar problem to yours?




31. 你希望用户怎么做?

What do you want the user to do?


32. 你希望用户感受到什么?(知道怎么用,强操控感,自然流畅,激发用户的想象力)

How do you want the user to feel (e.g. competent, in control, in a state of flow, creative)?


33. 你的设计的预期是什么?

What is the design supposed to accomplish?


34. 你的客户或者老板关注点是什么?

What is your client/boss worried about?


35. 这个设计是否考虑到了那些具有感知障碍,行动障碍和认知障碍的用户?

Does the design take users with lower levels of sensory, motor and cognitive abilities into consideration?


36. 这个设计的哪部分体验很赞?还能更好吗?能应用在其他部分吗?

What is working well in the design? Can it be made even better? Can it be applied elsewhere in the design?


37. 设计方案如何给用户带来价值?是以什么样的方式?

How does the solution provide value for users? In what ways?


38. 你尝试和否决了哪些设计方向,方法和另外的可替代方案?

Which avenues, solutions and alternatives have you explored and rejected?


39. 你的设计从哪些角度对环境和人们的身心健康做出了贡献?

In which ways does your design contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment and on the wellbeing of people?


40. 你考虑过设计即将应用的环境因素(地点,照明情况,噪音,其他人)了吗?

Have you taken the context where the design will be used into consideration (e.g. location, lighting, ambient noise, other people)?





41. 是什么原因让用户再次使用你的产品或者服务?你希望是什么样的频率?每次多久?

What reasons do users have for returning to the product or service you are designing? How often do you want them to use it? What is the ideal length of a session?


42. 这个设计太常规了吗?如果不按照常规处理,跳出固有模式会怎样?如果不包含某些用户群会怎样?

Is the design too bland? What would happen if it was more polarising? What would happen if you excluded some groups of users?


43. 考虑看看如果更大或者更小,更快或者变慢会怎样?如果重新排列顺序呢?如果去掉最重要的部分呢?

What would happen if this was bigger/smaller, faster/slower? What would happen if you rearranged the order of things? What would happen if you removed the most important part?


44. 我们是否拍脑袋想当然?是不是有可能你的假设跟真实情况正好相反?

What are we all taking for granted? What would be possible if the opposite of our assumption was true?


45. 设计如何利用用户不同感官?视觉,听觉,触觉各种组合达到最优效果了吗?

How does the design capitalise on our different senses? Are sights, sounds and haptics used and combined for maximum effect?


46. 动画和过渡效果是如何帮助用户理解设计和优化体验的?

How do animations and transitions contribute to users’ understanding and experience of the design?


47. 对于这个设计,你希望实现哪些个人目标和愿望?你希望对这个时代和用户起到什么影响?

What are your personal goals and wishes for this design? What effect do you want to have on the world and on your users?


48. 如果你有机会从头做一次,会有什么不同?

What would you do differently if you could start again from scratch?


49. 什么会让用户彻底否定你的产品?如何阻止这样的事情发生?

What would be a showstopper for your users? How could this be prevented from happening?





50. 什么会让你的用户感到惊喜并超出他们的预期?

What would surprise your users and exceed their expectations?



What theme or key idea runs through your design? How could you make that theme or story clearer?



What activities or services is your design competing with? If your users don’t use this design what do they do instead?


53. 我们在对的时间,做了对的事吗?

Are we doing the right thing right now?




















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