HBO 为什么会选用雪花屏作为片头?


HBO电视网(英文名:Home Box Office)是总部位于美国纽约的有线电视网络媒体公司,其母公司为时代华纳集团(Time Warner Inc.)。HBO电视网于1972年开播,全天候播出电影、音乐、纪录片、体育赛事等娱乐节目。与绝大多数电视频道不同的是,它不卖广告。经过22年的发展,HBO和它的姊妹频道Cinemax的总订户已达3500万,占到美国付费电视频道市场的90%。这也就意味着,每10个美国电视频道付费用户中至少有9人经常收看HBO。



作者:山羊月(埃塞克斯大学 社会学博士在读)



在《花花公子》(这个杂志其实有很多不花的文章)的一篇访谈中,作者Zaron Burnett III访谈了当初参与片头制作的HBO播映部高级副总裁Bruce Richmond。他谈了当初这个声音是如何被选出来的:

“We spent about a week creating the static and doing all the layering of the type and making sure that it resolved. After that we went into sound design. It got more exciting once we got into sound design. When we started working on that kind of nice bass-y hum that comes out of the static, there was this moment when five or six people in a room, who had been up for two days working on it, we all said, ‘Oh, that’s it.’”


UCL的Catherine Johnson进一步解释了这种片头对于观众造成的心理效果。

“The HBO logo suggests that your television is switching over to a uniquely ‘HBO’ place for the duration of the programme, and hence the logo exemplifies the brand value of providing programmes not found elsewhere on television. As a representation of a television switching on at the beginning of the programme and off at the end, the HBO logo evokes the impression of an appointment to view with each programme, creating a separate and special place in which its programmes are encountered. In addition, the placement of the logo at the beginning of each programme provides an aural and visual trigger that indicates to the potential viewer that their programme is starting, and over time becomes a powerfully evocative trigger for the emotions associated with watching HBO programming.”
HBO 的片头凸显出你的电视正在为了节目的播放而转化为一种「HBO」的独一无二的场所,因此这个logo代表了一种品牌价值,它提供了你在其他电视节目中看不到的节目内容。这种电视切换发生在节目的开头和结尾,因此创造了一种独立而特别的节目和观众相遇的方式,唤起了一种约定要看这样节目的印象。此外,HBO 的每一个节目的片头的声音和画面效果像是一种触发器,向观众表示节目就要开始了,而随着时间流逝逐渐变成一种记忆触发器,唤起了观众观看 HBO 节目时相联系的情绪。


HBO 经典片头的声音带来了你无法想象的舒适。对此Bruce Richmond认为:

“Did we know that, ‘Oh my god we’re making something that everyone will get conditioned to hearing?’ No, but I think we knew it was Pavlovian when we realized, ‘Oh, the minute that ‘kssshhhzzzztzztzzz’ sound goes away we risk losing something.’ People have been conditioned to know that their HBO program is literally going to start in the next second.”
我们一开始就知道「天哪我们做出了一个所有人都专门去听的声音」吗?不,但是我想我们理解这是一种条件反射,「哦,在这个声音结束时我们再不看就看不到一些东西了!」人们已经习惯于这个声音结束的下一秒 HBO 节目就真正开始了。


It’s the promise of good things to come.


参考资料:The HBO ‘Static Intro’ Is The Most Powerful Force in the Universe





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